Lіmіtеd Stосk Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

Lіmіtеd Stосk Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod
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Review Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

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Nеw Prоduсt Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

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Compatible Devices DSLR
Brand Unknown
Material Aluminum
Tripod Head Type Ball Heads
Maximum Height 28 Centimeters
Weight Limit 6 Pounds
Item Weight 0.88 Pounds

  • All Aluminum Construction * Includes Mini Ball Head
  • Extendable Center Column * Supports Loads Up to 6 lb
  • 17
  • Standard 1/4

Product Description

The Oben TT-300 Table Top Tripod provides a sturdy base of support for shooting from a table top or other raised surface – or set the TT-300 on the ground or floor to achieve stable low-angle shots. Constructed of aluminum for lightweight strength, the TT-300 could be ideal for macro or product photography with most DSLR cameras. With the included mini ball head, load capacity of the system is 6 lb.

Turning the twist lock enables you to raise the extension column of the TT-300. The height range of the tripod is 12 to 17". For storage or for tossing it in a backpack, the extension column retracts into the main center column, which in turn retracts through the chassis. With the legs folded, the retracted TT-300 measures a compact 11" long.

The tripod's mini ball head mounts most cameras, including point & shoot models, to its 1/4"-20 screw. A single lever loosens the ball so that you can smoothly adjust the tilt and pan. The ball pans 360° and a groove allows the head to tilt 90° in one direction for portrait orientation.
Tripod tightens to ball head by using a coin – or by hand via a flip-out lever

Head features bushing that converts its thread from 3/8"-16 to 1/4"-20

Includes hand strap for easy transport

Maximum Height: 17" (43.2 cm)

Folded Length: 11" (28.0 cm)

Load Capacity: 6 lb (2.7 kg)

Leg Sections: 1

Center Column Sections: 2

Leg Lock Type: N/A

Male Thread Size: 1/4"-20

Weight: 0.7 lb (318 g)

Warranty: 5 Year Limited Warranty

Product information

Flаѕh Dеаlѕ - 70% оƒƒ Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

Gеt Sресіаl Prісе Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

Blасk Frіdау - 50% оƒƒ Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

Nеw Dеаl Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

Authеntіс Crаzу Dеаlѕ Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

Frее Shірріng оƒƒеr Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod

🛒 Flаѕh Sаlе Oben TT-300 Tabletop Tripod


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