Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack

Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack
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70% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack

only with $ 58.43

Brand Nordic Pure
Material Electrostatically Charged Synthetic Pleated Media
Item Dimensions LxWxH 23.5 x 29.5 x 0.75 inches
MERV Rating 8
Compatible Devices Furnace

  • Nominal Size: 24 x 30 x 1, Actual Size: 23 1/2 x 29 1/2 x 3/4 (23. 5 x 29. 5 x 0. 75)
  • MERV 8 and FPR 6 is equivalent to MPR 800
  • Removes lint, dust, pollen, bacteria, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores and other contaminants
  • Lasts up to 3 months, depending on your unique home or office environment
  • Made in the USA
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Product Description

Product Description

Nordic Pure MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters provide exceptional filtration for both home and commercial environments. Each time air passes through a Nordic Pure pleated furnace air filter, lint, dust, pollen, bacteria, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores and other contaminants are removed. MERV 8 furnace filters are comparable to HVAC filters with the rating of MPR 800 or FPR 6. While different companies use different scales to measure the air filter’s efficiency, Nordic Pure chose to follow the industry standard, MERV, as developed by ASHRAE (the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Engineers). No matter the name of the rating, the efficiency of all air filters is rated according to the same criteria as set forth by ASHRAE. Nordic Pure furnace air conditioner filters are manufactured using a heavy duty, moisture resistant beverage board frame. As with all Nordic Pure furnace air conditioner filters, the material is electrostatically charged to attract unwanted particles. The media used will not promote the growth of bacteria or mold on the air filter and is better at trapping airborne particles than fiberglass filters. Our attention to the smallest of details results in a healthier living space. For fresh, clean air in your home and office, it is important to regularly change your AC filter, especially during home improvements. We recommend changing your HVAC furnace filter every 1-3 months, depending on your unique home or office environment. People with pets or those who suffer from allergies should change their A/C air filters more often. Replacing your air filter regularly not only improves indoor air quality, it helps your HVAC unit perform more efficiently. Important Note: Almost all air condition filters have a different Actual Size (the exact dimensions) than Nominal Size (the name) printed on the air conditioning filter. It is best to measure the exact size of your A/C filter and compare it to our Actual Size to be sure your HVAC replacement filter fits!

From the Manufacturer

Nordic Pure's air filters are pleated and electrostatically charged and have a high efficiency rating. The electrostatic charge of the air filters works as a magnet and draw airborne particles to them. This helps protect your family from pollen, fine dust, tobacco and cooking smoke, airborne plant spores, bacteria and some viruses. Our non-woven synthetic filter media will not support the growth of mold or bacteria, keeping your home healthier.

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Frее Shірріng Ovеr $50 Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack

Blасk Frіdау Clеаrаnсе Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack

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Suреr Brаndѕ Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack

Flаѕh Dеаlѕ - 70% оƒƒ Nordic Pure 24x30x1 MERV 8 Pleated AC Furnace Air Filters 6 Pack

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